"And all my childhood memories
Are full of all the sweet things you did for me
And even though I act crazy
I gotta thank the Lord that you made me." –Tupac Shakur
We have a dedicated supervised area for the babies and toddlers with its own bathroom, a TV and interactive toys. When space and the ages of the children allow, we offer a preschool atmosphere with crafts and engaging activities for your children.
Supervised Childcare Hours have been reduced since COVID
Classes daily at 9:15am and 10:30am and Saturday at 9am.
We also have a separate area for older kids to hang out. There are plenty of outlets for charging electronics!
-Childcare is $2.50 per child/hour charged to your account at the end of the month.
-Please do not drop off your child earlier than10 minutes before your class starts.
-Please pick up your child promptly, within 10 min of your scheduled class ending.
-Please stay on SPCF property for the entire duration of childcare usage. (Disregarding this rule could result in the suspension of childcare permanently.)
-Children will only be released to the person who dropped them off.
-Please bring your child to the gym freshly diapered. Childcare staff will no longer change diapers. If your child urgently needs his/her diaper changed, the childcare staff will ask you to leave class to change your child.
-Please refrain from bringing a sick child into the childcare area. This is a courtesy to your gym mates and the well being of all children and staff. Childcare staff will use their discretion regarding sick children.
-The childcare room will provide age appropriate toys. For safety and hygienic reasons, we ask that you refrain from bringing in your child’s own personal toys.
-Children are welcome to bring a spill proof drink container labeled with their name. Please help us protect our little ones with food allergies by ensuring that food items are peanut free in the childcare area.
-Children will remove shoes while in the childcare area.
-If a child is inconsolable, parents will be notified and asked to return to the childcare room to assist the staff.