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"To all the ladies in the place with style and grace...Who rock grooves and make moves with all the mommies." 
- Biggie Smalls


Every class begins with awareness of breath work which synchronizes diaphragm with pelvic floor. Breath is the key from which all core stabilization takes place and is an essential starting block for movement. 

All classes are developed for the pregnant or postpartum mother and are ideal for anyone experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction or diastasis recti.

The program includes basic body weight movements and gradually increases weight and difficulty as mom’s core control improves. Common class movements include (but are not limited to) scaled versions of the following; squat, dead lift, push-up, pull-up, single side dumbbell presses, lunges, and box step ups.

 This is a great program for anyone new to the gym or CrossFit. Attention to detail of the core is paramount for all athletes.



1. From the beginning of pregnancy until nine months postpartum:
            - Ditch the weight belt and lifting shoes
            - Keep weights at 80% or less than your 1 rep max

            - Avoid a perceived rate of exertion (Borg’s scale) above 16
2. From the beginning of the second trimester until six months postpartum:
            - Avoid back extension positions and movements (including kipping)
            - Avoid dynamic abdominal flexion (including sit-ups)
            - Focus on maintaining a neutral core in all positions
3. From the beginning of the third trimester until three months postpartum:
            - Avoid overhead lifts
            - Shift focus to strict lifts (including power lifts)
            - Avoid dynamic / plyometric movements like running and substitute for low impact cardio movements like biking, rowing or power walking

4. Master diaphragmatic breathing as taught by Julie Wiebe, MPT, also known as the “piston” breath strategy.

             -Engages the entire core as a system

             -Incorporate the “piston” breath into all gym and life's functional movements


105 E Connecticut Ave, Southern Pines, NC 28387, USA

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